Tuesday, May 24, 2016


Here I am again attempting to start another blog. I have not been here for a long time thinking I couldn't get in because I not only have a newer computer but also problems with my E-mail. so if this isn't a success I won't have any other outlet but simply going to Facebook.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

The Giraffe in this blog is a reminder to me what happened at Brookfield  Zoo in Chicago. I was standing near the fence and the giraffe came over,  leaned and gave me a big. sloppy kiss. a moment to remember!

Sunday, November 2, 2014


I cannot get into my other blog so decided to start another one. First of all I want to thank my son Tuck who is copying my other blog so I will have it.So, I will advertise on Facebook and invite people to come and be a part of my new adventure.